My name is Sue and have I got news for you! One of eleven children, the youngest daughter, 10th in line, I was born in 1946 on my mums living room carpet with only my gran in attendance (Mum was there too); a breech birth on Friday the 13th!
School was as tough as my birth and I was happy to leave school and begin work at Roll Royce as an errand girl. I was happy and 3 months later my dad my hero died. I was 15 and my world came tumbling down. By the time I was 19 the choices I made were to determine my role in life for the next 30 years. I left home at 16 and was married at 17. I had a miscarriage then my son Ivan was born and when he was 3 months old I became an orphan my mum died.
My life was one of giving caring and I loved it seeing other people happy became my driving force. I forgot about me in all of this and consequently I had a nervous breakdown as it was called back then. This was another life changing experience. My quest and my journey to look within myself for the answers as to why I felt so unhappy. Who was I? I became curious and determined to find answers and question everything. Depressed and a sense of emptiness seemed my normal demise. Prescription drugs which I had taken for decades keeping my depression suppressed, I now needed to question and face the pain I had hidden deep within my subconscious. The loss of my hero my rock my dad. Painful yes necessary absolutely because here was the key to freedom and I took it on willingly my life depended on it.
Moving on to the present what have I to offer you? HOPE A NEW LIFE OF JOY AND HAPPINESS. If you are ready to accept life is not working for you and realise there is a way forward welcome. At 73 years I am back at University and I have written 3 books. I am supporting people now helping them as they like me become their own best friend. Finally ready to ask the truth and finding answers to the difficult and truly vital question. Who am I?
My Passion
- I am Passionate about Injustice.
- I Thirst for knowledge Spiritually and Emotionally.
- I am driven by Awareness and Compassion.
- I am a Seeker of the Truth from a place of Love where True Wisdom arises.
I live my life in Awareness far removed from the shallowness of the Egotic mind. I observe people whose Opinions are fed by an inability to risk being open or vulnerable they are afraid and lost in the human game of pretence. Blind leading the blind.
I know we are the walking dead in the main because our fears keep us locked up as we strive to be loved and appreciated. We do this because deep down we are vulnerable and afraid to risk asking for our true needs to be met.
What are these needs? They are the needs from the inner child desperately seeking approval. As adults we may learn we do not need other people’s approval the child within still subconsciously craves to be accepted. That craving transfers itself onto addictions. These addictions manifest themselves in many ways. Sugar, nicotine, drugs,gambling, work,people pleasing the list is endless. As is the struggle in our subconscious with its fears that we are not loveable enough or good enough as we are. We have all been damaged in part and as vulnerable children we bravely strived to satisfy the adults in our world who were themselves damaged by their childhood experiences.
My Passion is totally 100% genuinely to bring awareness and insight with new knowledge to strengthen the vulnerable from their own destructive thought process and low self esteem. So are you ready to find the treasures within?
With infinite compassion, awareness and unconditional loving support I guide any individual who wants to understand themselves and find their true essence. This is what true freedom is.
My Goals
My goals in life are two-fold: One I have already achieved that is to find myself and re-frame my thoughts from fear (negative) to Love (positive). That done, I am moving forward to the next goal: to travel and work, which I love, in the mental health sector. Supporting people as their share their stories and motivate them as they learn new life skills.
Relationships for every one of us has to begin with self care, trust and love. We all want to feel valued. We all are valued, we just need to value ourselves from our true essence without the egos negative influences which arise from our experiences. These experiences do not define us in the here and now. These experiences keep us stuck in child mode in the subconscious. The inner child needs reconnecting to its true self that of Love. Love minus the fears from old programming. Understanding follows and the ability to follow your own path without mimicking others becomes the obvious choice.